Sunday, February 19, 2006

Excitement is building...

I was running down some of the upcoming itineraries of family and friends' arrivals in the next week or two and I realized how soon it will be before we see everyone and, how many people are actually coming! We are so fortuntate to have so many family and friends be able to come visit. It will be awesome.
We got the carpet cleaned today. And, after watching the guy clean our carpet, I would like to announce a career change for me. I'll now become a carpet cleaning apprentice. It just looked so satisfying 'drawing' those perfect rows in the carpet with the steamer. Wish me luck!
By the way, sorry it's been so long since we've posted a picture of B. I'll ask Mike to post one today. She is doing all kinds of really cool stuff. She's walking along furniture, crawling like crazy, identifying stuff if asked about it, i.e. where are Anna's toes? and she touches them. Can't wait for all to see how much she's learned.

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