For the last two days B has had a fever but, today, though her fever was gone, her cough was worse than ever. Having a terrrible cough is such an awful feeling and, I know, so confusing for this 14 mo. old girl. I actually had to cut her dinner off early because I was afraid that she would choke on her PB&J samo.
I am just grateful that she is getting over the sickness (not running a fever), though there still may be a tough road ahead.
While Kim was over for dinner this evening (Mike cooked out pork chops, delicious!) B was such a good girl, as usual. She attempted to do some things on her own. She walked around with her corn popper, ate PB&J and crackers, smiled a lot and told us about her sickness. The photo above represents a much needed break that she took between activities.
Mind you, it was her choice to crawl/walk around in the 1st place. If it had been up to me I'd have used this opportunity to hold my independent girl for as long as possible. She did lay on my chest with eyes closed for quite awhile. I'm so heartbroken that she is sick but, I do cherish that time I was able to spend with her. It's nice to have that validation of the comfort she feels with her mom (esp. on Mother's Day).
So, though she's not herself, she's still the most amazing daughter I could ever ask for.
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