Recently, we got a free kid's ticket and a buy 1 get 1 free adult ticket for the circus here in town. Mike and I decided that would be a really cool thing for all 3 of us to see. We considered going multiple times over the weekend since I had three of each kind of ticket. Ultimately, we didn't have enough time to see it more than once but, when we went today, what an experience!
The show, run by a gypsy- like group of travelers, got started late and B was pretty antsy. I think that Mike and I were both worried for a while that the whole effort was going to be a bust. I was walking around with B ( B also walking and holding my fingers, her fave thing to do) and worrying that this would not last much longer. She would literally do this for hours in a row if allowed to do so. But, if I try to pick her up or get her interested in something else she gets really angry. So, time is passing and I'm appeasing her. Finally, I decide to take a walk to the car to get the stroller and kill some time at almost 2 pm. I was hoping that this would be like when you go to the bathroom at a restaurant and you come back to find your food on the table. As B and I were heading out, the music started playing. I looked across the crowd to see Mike waving us back. So, we returned. I was so excited to see how B would react.
Now, of course she responded well to the music right off the bat. Bobbing her head and waving her arms, we hurried back to our seats. And, to make a long story short, she loved the show! It was awesome. She of course loved the animals, which we figured would be the case based on our frequent zoo visits. But, the coolest part was how in tune she was to the tricks being performed by the people. She liked the clowns and dancers most of all, laughing and dancing whenever they were out. She was intrigued by all of the goings on the entire time. Her pre- show restlessness was completely cured by the entertainment. We even got her a lighted souvenir that she waved while clapping and hollering at all of the appropriate times.
What an awesome little person.
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