Thursday, June 29, 2006

Road Trip!!!!!!

*We will keep you posted with pictures!

Tuesday, June 27, 2006


Well, Molly and I have been stumped for days.
Poor little Anna has been running a fever for a couple of days but, today she broke out in a rash. So, we took her to the doctor praying it wasn't serious. The diagnosis was Roseola. She explained that Roseola is very common in baby's up to 1 year.
Currently Anna Is in stage two, she has broken the fever but now has the rash. Luckily this only happends once!
Pray for Anna. This should all be over by the time vacation starts!!!

*Check Out This Link For More Info!!!

Monday, June 26, 2006

Note to self...

...dinner before bath.

 Posted by Picasa

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Bed Head

Anna just woke up from her short pm nap in these pictures. Can you imagine being so fortunate as to look this beautiful immediately after rolling out of bed?
Also, she's eating one of the peanut butter cookies that she helped make before her nap. Yum!

P.S. B only plays with markers under very close supervision. Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Sweet Relief!*

Anna in the Rain!

*If only Mike had posted "No $1,000,000 in sight!"

Monday, June 19, 2006


Tucson, AZ
107 degrees

No Rain In Sight!!

Saturday, June 17, 2006

Happy Father's Day, Dad!

Happy Father's Day to an awesome Dad and a wonderful husband.
We love you. Thanks for all you do for us, Dad.

And...Don't Forget about Papa and Grandpa!

Happy Father's Day to two more awesome fathers.
We all love and miss you.

Monday, June 12, 2006

It's On...


So many great pictures I just had to put up two posts. Watch this girl go!

Saturday, June 10, 2006

Just The Three Of Us..

Shrimp Scampi w/Bread For Dipping...
cost= $6.00

Bottle Of Cheap White Wine...
cost= $7.00

Watching Anna Eat Her PB&J...


p.s. Kelly, thank you for the glassware. We've used it many times. Posted by Picasa

Friday, June 09, 2006


Congrats on the new job mom!
It looks like a whole lotta' fun!
Can't wait to hear all the details.

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Pictures! (Post formerly known as "The post you've all been waiting for!"

I have been waiting to post an exciting story about a young girl who has just started walking.

Before this post came to fruition I got these awesome pictures that I was going to entitle "I can't make this stuff up." This post was going to show my fave young lady playing a cool game that SHE made up where she wears a blanket on her head as a hat and thinks that it is the coolest.

Since then, my girl has shown us that she does not care to walk.

I was planning on showing everyone how she's now walking and is so proud of herself. However, miss Anna has since retracted her her decision to show off her ability to walk. If I leave her on her own to walk she starts to cry(last night and today) as if she has no interest at all in showing off her ability to walk.

Fortunately, I'm certain that she can, in fact, walk and I have this great picture to prove it. I hope you all enjoy it.

We'll show more soon!

Friday, June 02, 2006


Other possible titles for this post are...
'Bull Honky!'
'Oh, pish, tosh.'
'Looked up gullible in the dictionary and saw picture of my mom.'
And finally, 'If you believe that...'

*I'm not sure if this is how this word of my father's is spelled.

Thursday, June 01, 2006


On a sunny day, two fathers and two sons went fishing. Each one of them caught one fish. When they went home, there were only three fish........Why????